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Software / Startx non parte se disabilito touchpad
« il: 02 Luglio 2011, 10:01:50 »
Ho un T500 che comprende sia mousepad che touchpad.
Quando ho installato Centos erano abilitati tutti e due e non lo sapevo.
Mi sono poi accorto che il touchpad è da disabilitare perchè provoca reazioni impreviste sfiorandolo. Ho quindi disabilitato a bios il touchpad, e Centos ha dato i numeri: non parte startx con errore di mouse.
Ho quindi dovuto riabilitare il touchpad.
Come faccio a cancellare da Centos il touchpad in podo da poterlo disabilitare a bios?
Grazie a chi mi vorrà rispondere

Supporto Generale / Installazione Skype
« il: 08 Aprile 2011, 14:37:53 »
Sto installando un po' di roba su Centos 5.5 ma non sono un esperto di Linux.
Volevo installare Skype ma, per errore, ho installato la versione di Debian.
Ho poi provato a reinstallare la versione "Static" ma, quando lo lancio,
mi da il seguente errore:
skype: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found (required by skype)
Evidentemente è una libreria di Debian che non trova.
Come faccio a rimuovere l'installazione errata ?

Software / Centos 5.4 64 bit moonlight non funziona
« il: 17 Febbraio 2010, 16:47:42 »
sto litigando da un po' di giorni con centos per avere una piattaforma Linux su cui poter
erogare corsi di sviluppo Java.
Tra i mille problemi risolti c'è n'è uno per il quale non riesco proprio a venire a capo:
se cerco di vedere i tg rai mi dice do installare moonlight che ho installato n volte ma ogni
volta mi richiede di installarlo come se non riconoscesse l'installazione.
Ho installato silverlight linux  x86_64, ma non c'è verso di farlo andare.
Chi può aiutarmi ?

Networking / Centos 5.4 64 bit Samsung CLP 510 stampa a metà
« il: 13 Febbraio 2010, 18:32:35 »
Dopo esser finalmente riuscito a far funzionare il driver della stampante ho scoperto che la stampa della pagina di prova viene fatta a metà: una mezza pagina non viene stampata.
Lo stesso driver su una installazione vmware 5.1 32 bit stampa correttamente.
La configurazione sembra tutta a posto.
Qualcuno mi aiuta ?

Networking / Re: Samsung CLP-510 non stampa
« il: 11 Febbraio 2010, 16:37:35 »
Riapro perchè stampa si, (pagina di test) ma solo mezza pagina !

Networking / Re: Samsung CLP-510 non stampa
« il: 11 Febbraio 2010, 10:02:32 »
Comunque l'ho impostato a "permissivo" e stampa.
Grazie ancora e ciao.

Networking / Re: Samsung CLP-510 non stampa
« il: 11 Febbraio 2010, 08:47:22 »
Era proprio SELinux. Grazie mille !!!!!!!
Sai per caso come posso configurarlo ?
Grazie ancora e ciao.

Networking / Re: Samsung CLP-510 non stampa
« il: 10 Febbraio 2010, 15:47:11 »
ecco l'ultima parte del log:

II [10/Feb/2010:08:11:16 +0100] Using policy "default" as the default!
I [10/Feb/2010:08:11:16 +0100] Full reload is required.
I [10/Feb/2010:08:11:16 +0100] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 35 types, 38 filters...
I [10/Feb/2010:08:11:16 +0100] Loading job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
I [10/Feb/2010:08:11:16 +0100] Full reload complete.
I [10/Feb/2010:08:11:16 +0100] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"...
I [10/Feb/2010:08:11:16 +0100] Listening to on fd 4...
I [10/Feb/2010:08:11:16 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 5...
I [10/Feb/2010:08:11:16 +0100] Resuming new connection processing...
I [10/Feb/2010:09:18:40 +0100] Scheduler shutting down normally.
I [10/Feb/2010:09:18:40 +0100] Saving job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
I [10/Feb/2010:09:56:44 +0100] Listening to (IPv4)
I [10/Feb/2010:09:56:44 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain)
I [10/Feb/2010:09:56:44 +0100] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
I [10/Feb/2010:09:56:44 +0100] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp...
I [10/Feb/2010:09:56:44 +0100] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [10/Feb/2010:09:56:44 +0100] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [10/Feb/2010:09:56:44 +0100] Using policy "default" as the default!
I [10/Feb/2010:09:56:44 +0100] Full reload is required.
I [10/Feb/2010:09:56:44 +0100] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 35 types, 38 filters...
I [10/Feb/2010:09:56:44 +0100] Loading job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
I [10/Feb/2010:09:56:44 +0100] Full reload complete.
I [10/Feb/2010:09:56:44 +0100] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"...
I [10/Feb/2010:09:56:45 +0100] Listening to on fd 4...
I [10/Feb/2010:09:56:45 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 5...
I [10/Feb/2010:09:56:45 +0100] Resuming new connection processing...
I [10/Feb/2010:11:24:11 +0100] Scheduler shutting down normally.
I [10/Feb/2010:11:24:11 +0100] Saving job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
I [10/Feb/2010:11:26:53 +0100] Listening to (IPv4)
I [10/Feb/2010:11:26:53 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain)
I [10/Feb/2010:11:26:53 +0100] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
I [10/Feb/2010:11:26:53 +0100] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp...
I [10/Feb/2010:11:26:53 +0100] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [10/Feb/2010:11:26:53 +0100] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [10/Feb/2010:11:26:53 +0100] Using policy "default" as the default!
I [10/Feb/2010:11:26:53 +0100] Full reload is required.
I [10/Feb/2010:11:26:53 +0100] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 35 types, 38 filters...
I [10/Feb/2010:11:26:53 +0100] Loading job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
I [10/Feb/2010:11:26:53 +0100] Full reload complete.
I [10/Feb/2010:11:26:53 +0100] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"...
I [10/Feb/2010:11:26:53 +0100] Listening to on fd 4...
I [10/Feb/2010:11:26:53 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 5...
I [10/Feb/2010:11:26:53 +0100] Resuming new connection processing...
I [10/Feb/2010:11:29:41 +0100] Scheduler shutting down normally.
I [10/Feb/2010:11:29:41 +0100] Saving job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
I [10/Feb/2010:11:32:19 +0100] Listening to (IPv4)
I [10/Feb/2010:11:32:19 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain)
I [10/Feb/2010:11:32:19 +0100] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
I [10/Feb/2010:11:32:19 +0100] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp...
I [10/Feb/2010:11:32:19 +0100] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [10/Feb/2010:11:32:19 +0100] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [10/Feb/2010:11:32:19 +0100] Using policy "default" as the default!
I [10/Feb/2010:11:32:19 +0100] Full reload is required.
I [10/Feb/2010:11:32:19 +0100] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 35 types, 38 filters...
I [10/Feb/2010:11:32:19 +0100] Loading job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
I [10/Feb/2010:11:32:19 +0100] Full reload complete.
I [10/Feb/2010:11:32:19 +0100] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"...
I [10/Feb/2010:11:32:19 +0100] Listening to on fd 4...
I [10/Feb/2010:11:32:19 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 5...
I [10/Feb/2010:11:32:19 +0100] Resuming new connection processing...
I [10/Feb/2010:11:36:01 +0100] Scheduler shutting down normally.
I [10/Feb/2010:11:36:01 +0100] Saving job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:14:20 +0100] Listening to (IPv4)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:14:20 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:14:20 +0100] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
I [10/Feb/2010:12:14:20 +0100] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:14:20 +0100] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [10/Feb/2010:12:14:20 +0100] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [10/Feb/2010:12:14:20 +0100] Using policy "default" as the default!
I [10/Feb/2010:12:14:20 +0100] Full reload is required.
I [10/Feb/2010:12:14:20 +0100] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 35 types, 38 filters...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:14:21 +0100] Loading job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:14:21 +0100] Full reload complete.
I [10/Feb/2010:12:14:21 +0100] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:14:21 +0100] Listening to on fd 4...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:14:21 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 5...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:14:21 +0100] Resuming new connection processing...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:22 +0100] Scheduler shutting down normally.
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:22 +0100] Saving job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:22 +0100] Listening to (IPv4)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:22 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:22 +0100] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:22 +0100] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:22 +0100] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:22 +0100] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:22 +0100] Using policy "default" as the default!
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:22 +0100] Full reload is required.
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:22 +0100] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 35 types, 38 filters...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:22 +0100] Loading job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:22 +0100] Full reload complete.
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:22 +0100] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:22 +0100] Listening to on fd 4...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:22 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 5...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:22 +0100] Resuming new connection processing...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:25 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-driverd" (pid=7095)
E [10/Feb/2010:12:36:56 +0100] CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer: Unauthorized
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:56 +0100] Setting clp510 device-uri to "mfp:/dev/mfp4" (was "file:/dev/null".)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:56 +0100] Setting clp510 printer-is-accepting-jobs to 1 (was 0.)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:56 +0100] Setting clp510 printer-state to 3 (was 5.)
E [10/Feb/2010:12:36:56 +0100] cupsdSetPrinterAttrs: Unable to get printer context
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:56 +0100] Saving printers.conf...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:56 +0100] New printer "clp510" added by "root".
E [10/Feb/2010:12:36:56 +0100] CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer: Unauthorized
E [10/Feb/2010:12:36:56 +0100] copy_model: empty PPD file!
E [10/Feb/2010:12:36:56 +0100] CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer: Unauthorized
E [10/Feb/2010:12:36:56 +0100] cupsdSetPrinterAttrs: Unable to get printer context
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:56 +0100] Saving printers.conf...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:56 +0100] Printer "clp510" modified by "root".
E [10/Feb/2010:12:36:56 +0100] CUPS-Set-Default: Unauthorized
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:56 +0100] Saving printers.conf...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:56 +0100] Saving classes.conf...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:36:56 +0100] Default destination set to "clp510" by "root".
I [10/Feb/2010:12:37:06 +0100] [Job 1] Adding start banner page "none".
I [10/Feb/2010:12:37:06 +0100] [Job 1] Adding job file of type application/postscript.
I [10/Feb/2010:12:37:06 +0100] [Job 1] Adding end banner page "none".
I [10/Feb/2010:12:37:06 +0100] [Job 1] Queued on "clp510" by "root".
I [10/Feb/2010:12:37:06 +0100] [Job 1] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 7191)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:37:06 +0100] Filter 'rastertosamsungsplc' not in /usr/lib/cups/filter!
I [10/Feb/2010:12:37:06 +0100] [Job 1] Started filter /usr/lib64/cups/filter/rastertosamsungsplc (PID 7192)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:37:06 +0100] Backend 'mfp' not in /usr/lib/cups/backend!
I [10/Feb/2010:12:37:06 +0100] [Job 1] Started backend /usr/lib64/cups/backend/mfp (PID 7193)
E [10/Feb/2010:12:37:06 +0100] PID 7192 (/usr/lib64/cups/filter/rastertosamsungsplc) stopped with status 22!
I [10/Feb/2010:12:37:06 +0100] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to "debug" to find out more.
E [10/Feb/2010:12:37:06 +0100] PID 7193 (/usr/lib64/cups/backend/mfp) stopped with status 22!
I [10/Feb/2010:12:37:06 +0100] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to "debug" to find out more.
I [10/Feb/2010:12:37:06 +0100] [Job 1] Backend returned status 22 (unknown)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:37:06 +0100] Saving printers.conf...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:39:05 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=7346)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:39:07 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=7347)
E [10/Feb/2010:12:39:07 +0100] Resume-Printer: Unauthorized
E [10/Feb/2010:12:39:21 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: pam_authenticate() returned 10 (User not known to the underlying authentication module)!
I [10/Feb/2010:12:39:21 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=7351)
E [10/Feb/2010:12:39:21 +0100] Resume-Printer: Unauthorized
I [10/Feb/2010:12:49:51 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=7371)
E [10/Feb/2010:12:49:51 +0100] Resume-Printer: Unauthorized
I [10/Feb/2010:12:49:59 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=7374)
E [10/Feb/2010:12:49:59 +0100] Resume-Printer: Unauthorized
I [10/Feb/2010:12:49:59 +0100] Saving printers.conf...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:49:59 +0100] Printer "clp510" started by "utente".
I [10/Feb/2010:12:50:04 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=7377)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:50:04 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=7378)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:50:21 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi" (pid=7379)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:50:27 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi" (pid=7380)
E [10/Feb/2010:12:50:27 +0100] Restart-Job: Unauthorized
E [10/Feb/2010:12:50:32 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: Empty Basic password!
I [10/Feb/2010:12:50:32 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi" (pid=7382)
E [10/Feb/2010:12:50:32 +0100] Restart-Job: Unauthorized
I [10/Feb/2010:12:50:38 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi" (pid=7385)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:50:38 +0100] [Job 1] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 7386)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:50:38 +0100] Filter 'rastertosamsungsplc' not in /usr/lib/cups/filter!
I [10/Feb/2010:12:50:38 +0100] [Job 1] Started filter /usr/lib64/cups/filter/rastertosamsungsplc (PID 7387)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:50:38 +0100] Backend 'mfp' not in /usr/lib/cups/backend!
I [10/Feb/2010:12:50:38 +0100] [Job 1] Started backend /usr/lib64/cups/backend/mfp (PID 7388)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:50:38 +0100] [Job 1] Restarted by "utente".
E [10/Feb/2010:12:50:38 +0100] PID 7387 (/usr/lib64/cups/filter/rastertosamsungsplc) stopped with status 22!
I [10/Feb/2010:12:50:38 +0100] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to "debug" to find out more.
E [10/Feb/2010:12:50:38 +0100] PID 7388 (/usr/lib64/cups/backend/mfp) stopped with status 22!
I [10/Feb/2010:12:50:38 +0100] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to "debug" to find out more.
I [10/Feb/2010:12:50:38 +0100] [Job 1] Backend returned status 22 (unknown)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:50:38 +0100] Saving printers.conf...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:50:54 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=7390)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:50:55 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=7391)
E [10/Feb/2010:12:50:55 +0100] Resume-Printer: Unauthorized
I [10/Feb/2010:12:50:55 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=7394)
E [10/Feb/2010:12:50:55 +0100] Resume-Printer: Unauthorized
I [10/Feb/2010:12:50:55 +0100] Saving printers.conf...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:50:55 +0100] Printer "clp510" started by "utente".
I [10/Feb/2010:12:50:58 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=7395)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:51:04 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=7398)
E [10/Feb/2010:12:51:04 +0100] CUPS-Set-Default: Unauthorized
I [10/Feb/2010:12:51:04 +0100] Saving printers.conf...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:51:04 +0100] Saving classes.conf...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:51:04 +0100] Default destination set to "clp510" by "utente".
I [10/Feb/2010:12:51:10 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=7401)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:51:10 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=7402)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:51:14 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=7405)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:51:23 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=7406)
E [10/Feb/2010:12:51:23 +0100] CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer: Unauthorized
I [10/Feb/2010:12:51:23 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=7409)
E [10/Feb/2010:12:51:23 +0100] CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer: Unauthorized
E [10/Feb/2010:12:51:23 +0100] cupsdSetPrinterAttrs: Unable to get printer context
I [10/Feb/2010:12:51:23 +0100] Saving printers.conf...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:51:23 +0100] Printer "clp510" modified by "utente".
I [10/Feb/2010:12:51:26 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=7412)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:51:28 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=7415)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:51:36 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=7418)
E [10/Feb/2010:12:51:36 +0100] CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer: Unauthorized
E [10/Feb/2010:12:51:36 +0100] cupsdSetPrinterAttrs: Unable to get printer context
I [10/Feb/2010:12:51:36 +0100] Saving printers.conf...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:51:36 +0100] Printer "clp510" modified by "utente".
I [10/Feb/2010:12:51:40 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=7421)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:51:44 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=7425)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:51:45 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi" (pid=7428)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:51:46 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=7431)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:51:51 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=7434)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:52:49 +0100] Setting clp510 printer-is-shared to 0 (was 1.)
E [10/Feb/2010:12:52:49 +0100] cupsdSetPrinterAttrs: Unable to get printer context
I [10/Feb/2010:12:52:49 +0100] Saving printers.conf...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:52:49 +0100] Printer "clp510" modified by "root".
I [10/Feb/2010:12:52:52 +0100] [Job 2] Adding start banner page "none".
I [10/Feb/2010:12:52:52 +0100] [Job 2] Adding job file of type application/postscript.
I [10/Feb/2010:12:52:52 +0100] [Job 2] Adding end banner page "none".
I [10/Feb/2010:12:52:52 +0100] [Job 2] Queued on "clp510" by "root".
I [10/Feb/2010:12:52:52 +0100] [Job 2] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 7573)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:52:52 +0100] Filter 'rastertosamsungsplc' not in /usr/lib/cups/filter!
I [10/Feb/2010:12:52:52 +0100] [Job 2] Started filter /usr/lib64/cups/filter/rastertosamsungsplc (PID 7574)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:52:52 +0100] Backend 'mfp' not in /usr/lib/cups/backend!
I [10/Feb/2010:12:52:52 +0100] [Job 2] Started backend /usr/lib64/cups/backend/mfp (PID 7575)
E [10/Feb/2010:12:52:52 +0100] PID 7574 (/usr/lib64/cups/filter/rastertosamsungsplc) stopped with status 22!
I [10/Feb/2010:12:52:52 +0100] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to "debug" to find out more.
E [10/Feb/2010:12:52:52 +0100] PID 7575 (/usr/lib64/cups/backend/mfp) stopped with status 22!
I [10/Feb/2010:12:52:52 +0100] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to "debug" to find out more.
I [10/Feb/2010:12:52:52 +0100] [Job 2] Backend returned status 22 (unknown)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:52:52 +0100] Saving printers.conf...
E [10/Feb/2010:12:53:09 +0100] cupsdSetPrinterAttrs: Unable to get printer context
I [10/Feb/2010:12:53:09 +0100] Saving printers.conf...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:53:09 +0100] Printer "clp510" modified by "root".
I [10/Feb/2010:12:53:37 +0100] Saving printers.conf...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:53:37 +0100] Printer "clp510" started by "root".
I [10/Feb/2010:12:53:57 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=7609)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:06 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=7610)
E [10/Feb/2010:12:54:06 +0100] CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer: Unauthorized
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:20 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=7614)
E [10/Feb/2010:12:54:20 +0100] CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer: Unauthorized
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:20 +0100] Setting clp510 printer-is-shared to 1 (was 0.)
E [10/Feb/2010:12:54:20 +0100] cupsdSetPrinterAttrs: Unable to get printer context
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:20 +0100] Saving printers.conf...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:20 +0100] Printer "clp510" modified by "utente".
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:33 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=7616)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:33 +0100] [Job 3] Adding start banner page "none".
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:33 +0100] [Job 3] Adding job file of type application/postscript.
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:33 +0100] [Job 3] Adding end banner page "none".
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:33 +0100] [Job 3] Queued on "clp510" by "anonymous".
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:33 +0100] [Job 3] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 7617)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:33 +0100] Filter 'rastertosamsungsplc' not in /usr/lib/cups/filter!
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:33 +0100] [Job 3] Started filter /usr/lib64/cups/filter/rastertosamsungsplc (PID 7618)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:33 +0100] Backend 'mfp' not in /usr/lib/cups/backend!
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:33 +0100] [Job 3] Started backend /usr/lib64/cups/backend/mfp (PID 7619)
E [10/Feb/2010:12:54:33 +0100] PID 7618 (/usr/lib64/cups/filter/rastertosamsungsplc) stopped with status 22!
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:33 +0100] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to "debug" to find out more.
E [10/Feb/2010:12:54:33 +0100] PID 7619 (/usr/lib64/cups/backend/mfp) stopped with status 22!
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:33 +0100] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to "debug" to find out more.
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:33 +0100] [Job 3] Backend returned status 22 (unknown)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:33 +0100] Saving printers.conf...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:35 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=7620)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:36 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=7623)
E [10/Feb/2010:12:54:36 +0100] Resume-Printer: Unauthorized
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:36 +0100] Saving printers.conf...
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:36 +0100] Printer "clp510" started by "utente".
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:41 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=7626)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:41 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=7627)
I [10/Feb/2010:12:54:44 +0100] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi" (pid=7628)

Networking / Re: Samsung CLP-510 non stampa
« il: 09 Febbraio 2010, 16:00:20 »
Si, il servizio Cups è attivo e la stampante viene riconosciuta.
Solo che, se mando un file in stampa, rimane in stato di "stopped"

Networking / Samsung CLP-510 non stampa
« il: 07 Febbraio 2010, 10:37:47 »
Ho installato Centos 5.4 64 bit ed ho scaricato ed installato il driver delle CLP-510.
Solo che non stampa. I files inviati rimangono sempre in stato di stopped.
Qualcuno può aiutarmi ?

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